Blog Press


Conversations: Effects of Alternative Data Sets on Trading Algorithms

What effect can alternative data sets have on trading algorithms?

We asked a few of our teammates and systematic traders what the effect of alternative data sets is on trading algos. We thought we could spread some insight as to why our alternative data is so valuable the also developers.
We all start using the smallest and most basic data sets, such as the generic S&P500 stock prices. This is all just fine until you want to take your development to the next level. You can delve deeper into predicting the rise and fall of each stock using these specified alternative data sets. CloudQuant offers a wide and expanding variety of these data sets for free, giving our users easy access to alternative data in order to help them improve their trading strategies.

The teammates featured are:

  • Tayloe Draughon- Sr. Product Manager
  • James Chang- Quantitative Portfolio Manager
  • Morgan Slade- CEO
  • Steve Pettinato- Portfolio Manager
  • Paul Tunney- Client Success Manager